Tips for trips
Educational cycling route “Okolo Třeboně” ( Around Třeboň ) – 39 km, 22 stops.jpg)
The route forms a circle in the countryside full of woods and fishponds situated east of Třeboň. The route runs along the unfrequented class III asphalt roads and partly around forest paths and pond dikes. The route starts on the dike of Svět pond and continues along the dike of Opatovický pond. The route further leads to the peat bog called “Spálená borkovna” ( Exploited peatbog ) where peat used in the spas is extracted. From here the route leads along the forest path to the hunter house called Barbora, later cutting through Zlatá stoka ( Golden Canal ) and heads to the dike between ponds Nový and Starý Kanclíř and then to the villages of Lutová (here the route crosses the connection with the long distance cycling route Prague - Vienna), Stříbřec and Stará Hlína. The route cuts the stream of Nová řeka ( the New River ), where Ema Destinová used to come fishing and passes by ponds Vyšehrad and Starý and Nový Vdovec. Along the dike of Vítek pond the route leads to the largest pond in the Czech Republic “Rožmberk” and returns back to Třeboň around Nová Hlína.
Educational route “Okolo Světa” ( Around the World ) – 12 km, 16 stops, for hikers
This educational route forms a closed circle around Svět pond (on the south-west edge of the city of Třeboň). The route provides you with basic information on the development of the landscape of the Třeboň region as a result of a long-term mutually beneficial co-existence of man with the surrounding nature, on the history and the present state of fish-farming and spa treatments, folk architecture, major communities of organisms and characteristic plant species and basic ecological relations in nature. The majority of the route leads along field and forest paths. On the route you can find resting-places with benches, many of which provide a nice view over the surrounding landscape. In the park on the southern side of Svět pond it is possible to visit the Schwarzenberg vault.
Educational route “Rožmberk” – 22 km, 12 stops, both for cyclists and hikers
This route starts and ends in Třeboň. Its educational part concentrates on the fish-farming and fishpond building, so it is logical that the route leads around the largest Czech pond – Rožmberk (the current water area is about 420 ha). The closest section of the dike of the Rožmberk pond is situated approximately 4 km from Třeboň. Rožmberk is actually a dam on the Lužnice River, the water of which is retained by a huge two-stage dam. The dam is not only an impressive technical work, but also an interesting natural-science locality. It is covered with robust centennial oaks, the hollows of which are nested by different bird species. In winter Rožmberk is one of the centres where sea eagles can be found. You can catch sight of the multitude of water birds all year and especially in autumn, when you can see thousands of ducks, geese, waders, herons and other bird species.
The route of health “Hrádeček” – 3770 m, 12 stops
The route leads through the pleasant surroundings of the locality called Mokrá luka ( Wet Meadow ) situated close to Třeboň. It is a closed circuit on the circumference of which there are sites allowing you to do gym exercises using ladder bars, sandpit, rope ladder, rope swing, horizontal bar and other sports equipment. The individual exercises are described on the information panels. You can compare your fitness with that of the common population using the data on the panels.
National nature reserves and educational route Červené blato ( Red Bog ) – 4 km, 6 stops, for hikers
Červené blato is situated at the border of PLA Třeboňsko in the direction to Nové Hrady. The route starts in the settlement called Jiříkovo Údolí (about 17 km of Třeboň). It ranks among the most interesting natural reserves in the Czech Republic. The reserve protects one of the best-known and best accessible peat bogs of the Třeboň region. The majority of the route has a consolidated surface; hence, only ordinary sports footwear will do. The interesting flora consists of e.g. bog pine and its crosses, March Tea ( Ledum palustre ), blueberry, bog-bilberry and other species. The fauna is also very interesting, especially for researchers. Visitors will be attracted mainly to the abundance of butterflies and moths.
Fishponds of Chlum
The fishponds near Chlum are one of many localities of the Protected Landscape Area Třeboňsko that are recommended to visitors interested in natural attractions and generally to those who are looking for relaxation while rambling through nature in the surroundings of Třeboň. The locality includes an extensive system of large fishponds mutually separated by narrow dikes. There are a lot of islands, the edges of which are jagged and surrounded by old forest covers. The Chlum fishpond system is a valuable botanical and ornithological locality – the ample colonies of birds can be watched from the dikes. The nearby forest complex is a nesting place of the sea eagle.